Wednesday, November 25, 2009

My Favorite Holiday

My favorite holiday is definitely Christmas. This is mainly because I get presents. This is pretty sad, but its true. Also, i get to see all my family together in the same place at one time. It doesnt happen that often. But it's mainly because of the presents.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Grades This Quarter

Its gonna be a sad Thanksgiving this year. My grades were not as good as I thought they would be. i got two A+, one A, one B+, one B, and three C+. When i told my parents they were really dissappointed. I was expected to get all B's this year.

Monday, November 23, 2009

LinkedIn Analysis

LinkedIn is a business oriented social networking site that is mainly used for professional networking. There are approximately 50 million users worldwide. The site allows users to make connections with people they know and trust in the business world. Some of the many uses are: Employers can list jobs and search for potential candidates, users can look at other peoples connections to try to expand they're business circle, job seekers can review the profiles of their potential managers to see if they would fit in their potential job. Users can also look up statistics about companies that they are interested in working for. Overall, this site seems like a great tool for people in the world of business.

Family Traditions

I have many family traditions during the holidays. We always have Thanksgiving at my Aunt Linda's house. Christmas Eve is always at my house. We usually have about 30 family and friends over. The next day, on Christmas, we go to my Aunt Dina's house. We also go there for New Years Eve. The only time I remember not having these holiday traditions was in first grade when my dad got into an accident right before Christmas and my mom didn't want to host Christmas Eve a my house.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Social Networking Analysis

Social networking sites have become some of the most popular sites on the internet. These sites allow users to connect with each other through messages, chat, statuses, and pictures. Some of the most popular social networking sites are Facebook and MySpace. These two sites are the 5th and 9th most popular sites on the web respectively.
These social networking sites are extremely popular among teenagers, and their popularity among adults is slowly growing as well. Many teenagers would admit to checking their Facebook or MySpace every day and some would admit that they cant live without it.
Facebook has many useful uses in society. Kids can post pictures of themselves with their friends, keep in contact with them through messages and chat, and use other applications like social games played with friends on Facebook. Adults can use the site to try to get in touch with old classmates or friends or keep in touch with people from work. Businesses can create Facebook pages to try to keep their employees friendly outside of the workplace.
MySpace started out as a social site but has now turned in to more of a commercial site. Most people used to use MySpace before they used Facebook. Now more teenagers use Facebook instead of MySpace. But MySpace is still very popular as a commercial site. Almost all musicians and bands have MySpace pages where their fans can listen to songs, get info on tour dates, buy merchandise, and post comments about the artist.

I think my grades this quarter will be...

I think my grades this quarter will be average. i know I got two C+'s; one in AP Eco and one in College French. Other then that my grades were okay.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Best Vacation Ever

My best vacation ever was when I went to the University of Vermont for a summer study program during the summer of 2009. I got to take a college class for credits as well as meet many new people from all over the world , many of whom I have kept in touch with. I got to live the college lie for a month. It was a lot of fun.